And the results from the physical are—drumroll please!—incredible growth~♪
(Ehehe, today's the best! Can't wait to tell someone 'bout this—!)

Ta-daaa! Guess who's back—
Well well well, if it ain't the lil' prince
Aha, here he comes. Welcome home, your highness ♪
......The fuck?
Great timing~ We were rewatchin' the promo vid we did for the wedding hall
It went viral for some reason, so we were checking out why
"What a cute kid, he looks like some kind of prince." Or so they're saying. Congrats, little guy...... Pfft
Damn, check this out. "Junior was already suuuper popular at my elementary school!"......
What, do they think that makes 'em real fans or whatever. Kids these days sure are something......
Oh yeah, you were in a pretty good mood when you got here, little guy. What happened—
N-Nothing! You fuckin' stupidhead—!!!
...... What's his deal?

Ohh. You're going a lot harder than usual today, Leo
Are you stressed out since we haven't played any gigs recently?
That's not it...... I mean, I'd like to play again soon, but......
Here, I got you a coke and some snacks. Take a seat and take a break, maybe?
'Kay. Thanks, bro
Hold on, Leo. Stand up again
W-What's going on?
Leo, did ya happen to get taller?

Knew I could count on him! I didn't say anything, but he noticed anyway......
I mean it's a given he would, he's the best bro in the world ★
Ahaha. Looking good, Junior
You were at Chris's for band practice, right? Good on ya
Uuu...... You really just had to walk by while I was doin' something embarassing......
What about you, Dino......? What're you doing out and about?
I was out getting pizza. See, I got a whooole lot, so all y'all can help me eat it when we get back to the dorms ♪
Huh, was that your stomach growling? Have you not eaten anything yet?
Nah, I'm good. The thought of hanging out with those guys is just pissing me off
Wow, what'd they do this time? Though if I had to guess, they were probably pulling pigtails again......
.......Hm? Hey, Junior
I might be wrong, but...... didja get a little taller?
......! Dino, you noticed too!?
Ah, so you did grow? I felt like I didn't have to look as far down as before—
Damn, you're good, Dino! I didn't even have to say anything for you to realize it
Thanks! You're the best teammate, ehehe ★
Ahaha, glad your good mood's back ♪

We're home~
Welcome home~
Welcome back, Dino...... and the little guy too, I guess
Aha, you still mad?
Ah, and now he's in a bad mood again..... What did you two even do to him
C'mon, we were just teasing. I was going to apologize when you got back, but—
(Tch, as if you actually mean it with that attitude...... I'm ignoring you whether you apologize or not)
(*Sigh* I'm thirsty. Coke... coke... where's the—)
Looking for milk, lil' Juni? Grab me that beer while you're at it
You fuckin'...... How many times do I have to teach you this lesson—
Hm? Junior...... Were ya always that tall?
You just noticed that, Keith? Isn't it, like, super obvious he grew?
Good for you, Junior! Both of 'em noticed ♪
!! Wai—....... Dino!
'Course they would, they've been closer to you than anyone for a whole year now, watching you become all grown up......
......Ah, so that's what it was. Today's the day we got back the results for our physicals , right?
So that's why you were in such a good mood this morning......
You were saying that people that noticed were the best, right, Junior?
Sooo, if these two are the best...... that'd make 'em your "best mates" ☆
Best mates, eh?
Th...... That's not......
Am I wrong?
I mean I guess...... I'm glad they noticed..... But I don't wanna forgive 'em that easily...... uuuu~......
Aha, if you ask me, you're the best, little guy. ......At least when it comes to cracking me up ♪