Thank you @kitkitwalfu for providing the raws! Some vague spoilers for Main Story Chapter 13 (Part 2 / Chapter 3), but nothing too specific!

...... Oh!
little guy
Hmmm~m, not that......
hey, little guy
What the fuck do you want, you shitty DJ! Stop bothering me I'm trying to concentrate—
I commend your dedication. It would behoove you, however, to concentrate on the class instead

—I had been considering the suggestion that Ren made the other day
Moving forward, anyone who causes a disruption during class will be appropriately penalised
Excuse me, but I will need to confiscate this notebook for the time being. You may reclaim it in exchange for a written reflection
...... Yes, sir
Fuuuck!! What the hell are you still doing here, shitty DJ! Fuck off, class already ended!
Weren't we gonna train after this? I was doing you a favor and waiting to leave together
Yeah right, you just wanna make fun of me...... you full-of-shit shitty fuckin' DJ!!!
Yeah, yeah, whatever. What were you up to during the lecture? You should try being that quiet more often
Tch, it's—
Carlos...... Odin...... Elvis......?
Apologies, I had assumed these were your lecture notes. It seems to be a list of names, is this some sort of cipher—
W-Waitwait, aaaagh—!!! Don't look at thaaaaaaat......!
Aha, nice. Keep reading it aloud, Victor
Those're the little guy's plans for changing his name. It's not like it's a secret or anything, but that's one of his "secret" notebooks, just so you know
Name change? Then you plan to change your name from "Leonard"?
...... Yeah
"Leonard" is my old man's name. I'm my own man though, so I want my own name
I see....... Your father is a household name and the first one that comes to mind upon hearing that name
But to discard the great name you've inherited so casually......
Not like I'm doing this impulsively. I've thought it out all properly
...... Is that so?
I think it's a good name. Leonard is just like...... "lionhearted", right?
I dunno about your dad, but I think it fits you pretty well
Mhm. Your hair's like a lion's mane......
I can totally see you as a lion cub going like "I'm the bwavest!" while you're hopping around on your little paws
Bitch...... you really want to piss me off today, huh
I find it quite unusual for one to be so fixated on the etymology of a name
Given names do not necessarily hold any significance in modern times
For example, my parents named me "Victor", a name associated with victory and conquest
What would such a name imply in these peaceful times?
Now it is impossible for me to ask them why precisely they chose this name......
But I can hypothesize that they selected it because it is fairly common and fits neatly with my last name
So it could be like that......?
I was told my name was chosen just 'cause they liked how it sounds. Same goes for "Brad"
I don't mind how it rolls off the tongue and I like it well enough. Thankfully my parents have decent taste
Well, I suppose it ultimately falls to the person themselves whether they wish to keep the name they were bestowed or change it
I guess like, Carlos and Odin don't seem too far off from Leonard if you ask me? Elvis is in its own category
W-What are you even saying! They're not even remotely alike!
Really? I thought those all sounded like "strong" names—
Did you know that there are multiple etymologies to "Leonard"?
...... What?
The overall meaning of "lionhearted" further derives from the Germanic words levon, lion, and hardu, brave
There is also the possibility you were named after the Christian patron saint St. Leonard
St. Leonard?
A Frankish queen nearly passed away in labor, but she was able to safely give birth to her son through his intercessional prayers
He has since been venerated as the patron of women in labor and of prisoners
Rather than exhibiting the bravery of a lion, he showed compassion towards the weak—a true saint respected by the people
Some people name their sons "Leonard" in the hopes that they will grow up to exemplify those virtues
...... D'you really think that's a possibility?
Well, the only one who would be able to settle this conundrum is the very one who named you. Why not take the chance to ask your father?
Fuck no
Very well then. And so the truth remains shrouded in darkness. ...... As some would put it

—That night.
—Hey, bro. Why're you named "Chris"?
"Huh, is something up? That's not something you'd usually ask, Leo"
Ah— ...... Uhh, I'm trying to think up a bunch of potential lyrics and I thought it’d make for a real deep cut if I worked in our name origins...... yeah...... that's why.......
"Really, huh. You've got some interesting ideas there. Lemme think......"
"I think mom said I was named after some kind of saint...... St. Christopher, maybe?"
"I'm fuzzy on the details, but it's really common name, so I don't think it's that deep"
"I hear the old man was the one that named me....."
"What's wrong, Leo?"
Oh...... Uh, nothing
"That probably won't make for any interesting lyrics. Sorry 'bout that"
N-No worries. ...... Thanks for telling me, bro
(...... And so the truth remains shrouded in darkness, huh)
TL Notes: It’s baby name origin time! Much like Victor, I can’t claim to know why Happy Elements chose these particular names, but it’s fun to hypothesize. I can’t believe that Victor Valentine made me reach into the dusty Hall of Catholic Saints deep in my mind palace.
St. Leonard of Noblac: Frankish saint, c. 500CE. Victor’s monologue pretty much covers him. Vic does originally say that St. Leonard is a patron saint of the ill, but he’s more specifically venerated for his miracles performed on diseased cattle, not sick people.
St. Christopher: c. 200CE. Patron saint of travelers, who legend holds carried an improbably dense child across a river before it revealed itself as Christ. The name “Christopher” itself means Christ bearer. Also a Brit-pop band.
Carlos: Spanish/Portuguese variant of the French/English Charles, derived from the Germanic Karl, meaning “man”. Possibly a reference to Latin rock guitarist Carlos Santana, or Carlos “6025” Cadona, former guitarist for punk rock band Dead Kennedys.
Odin: Derived from the Proto-Germanic Wōđanaz, lord of frenzy. The one-eyed Germanic god of wisdom, war, and poetry, among other domains. Father of Thor, god of thunder. Perhaps also of note is the 80’s heavy metal band Odin, considering that we now know that Chris was previously in a metal band.
Elvis: Unknown etymology, possibly from the Gaelic ail beo, living rock. Possibly a reference to UK pub rock and punk rock musician Elvis Costello, who in turn chose his stage name in reference to Elvis Presley, the king of rock and roll.
Victor covered his own name. On a meta level, we can make an educated guess that it’s a Frankenstein reference. Brad comes from the Old English for broad. Faith is a Puritan virtue name (yeah, I know).