Geez, the sidewalks are packed as hell today
Because it's a public holiday. It's inevitable that more people will be calling out to us than usual, so don't neglect to respond to all of them
Ooh, it's Marion!
Nice......! His air of nobility really stands out today
Good afternoon
(......Never ceases to amaze me how damn popular he is. No matter who comes up to him he greets 'em with a smile. I could stand to watch and learn something......)
Excuu~se me. We're looking for a store called "En-ciel"?
A-Ah. That store's real close. I can go ahead and show you the way
Ooh, really!? Then you could show us where this store and this café are too!
O-Oh. Sure, yeah
Hey, girls~! This hottie's gonna take us out around town!

(Phew......Took a while to finish up that conversation. There sure are a lot of people out today—)
Marion’s phone rings.
Gast? Where are you now—
"S-Save me, Marion......!! A couple girls asked me for directions, so I was helping 'em out, but soon enough I was gettin' swarmed by chicks......!"
So you just ran away like that?
"Swear I gave 'em the directions all proper......! But they started firin' off on me like, so are you seeing anyone? 'n demanding my number and...... shit, they found me!"
......*Sigh*. Got it. I'll bail you out. Go hide somewhere else

—The next day.
Gh...... Sorry......
I told you to go to bed earlier when we have patrol first thing in the morning, but I suppose that doesn't change how much trouble you have waking up. If you can't use your head yet, I can use my whip—
......! *Smack*
Don't just slap your own face out of nowhere! You caught me off guard......
...... But it woke me up. So it's okay
Hey, stop, Victor's team is on that side. We're going this way—
Ah, look, it's Marion. He's leading Ren around by the hand
I've always got a similar vibe off the two of them, but now that I'm seeing them together like this, they really seem like they're brothers
(...... Brothers...... I suppose I am fussing over him too much.....)
Ren, you're going to be working a little more independently...... Ren?
Hey, I just said that that's the wrong way! Come back here, Ren......!

(Phew...... patrolling with Ren is like shopping with Jacqueline, I can't ever take my eyes off them......)
Oh? So you're back, Marion
...... If you're going to pass out on the sofa, why not just lie down in your own bed?
I shan't. I still have more work to do. I will be returning to my lab after a short break
I suppose the research department has entered one of its busier periods. And you're teaching and dealing with mentor responsibilities on top of that......
That's not doing your work efficiency any favors. I'll take care of the team for the time being
Oh my...... Are you quite sure that's all right?
Hmph, I've been doing so by myself for so long already. There won't be a problem
......Very well, I'll be depending on your word

—Several days later.
(Training went well today. I'll have the rookies work on the same routine tomorrow—)
Brad...... What do you want?
There's been a recent uptick in positive feedback from the citizens regarding you
You've always had a good public reputation, but it seems your ratings are improving
...... Is that supposed to be a compliment? Your praise means nothing to me
It's the citizens who are praising you. You're becoming a better mentor and role model to the rookies. I hope you continue to serve in your role
You don't have to tell me that. I have better places to be
Ah, apologies for holding you up
(......What's with this all of a sudden. Civilian feedback......? It's not like I've changed my approach in that regard......)

Oh! Welcome home, Marion
I'm back...... What's all this? Why are there pancakes everywhere......
It is but a meager offering, but this a selection of gifts for you
You've been takin' real good care of us lately. I was figurin' out a way to thank you with Ren when the Doc suggested pancakes as a present
...... Thanks for everything, Marion
W-Why are you springing this on me...... It's not like I'd be happy with all of this
Pan...... The pancakes are delicious...... Thank you
Are you just going to stand there and watch me eat? I can't finish these all by myself
Very well, I shall brew us some coffee
Are there any unsweetened pancakes?
Ah, yes
Haha, looks like you care about us after all ♪
...... Excuse me?
You told me that ya "don't feel the need to take care of you at all", but it feels lately like you're doin' a whooole lot of that—
I don't remember ever caring about any of you!
Yeowch! Gah....... Why're you whipping me!?
Stop dodging! Shut up! Because I. Don't. Care. About. You.......!