Flour, eggs...... and that should be all the ingredients

Marion-chama~the cookie cutter's ready~

Ah, thanks, Jacqueline

Hm? Marion and Jacqueline? Whatcha doing in the kitchen?

Use your eyes

Damn, uh...... well I could tell you were cooking something but like......

We're making cookies!

Cookies? They gonna be for Dr. Nova?

Marion-chama is making them as a present for Will-chama ♪


A present for Will? Why though......

And why should I tell you?

Just wondering. I figured something must've happened if you're whipping him up some cookies, yeah?

He...... well, it's not like I asked for it, but he kept randomly recommending I go to all these pancake places

It was completely unsolicited, but he did introduce me to a really good spot...... I thought I should return the favor

Come to think of it, I do think Will said somethin' about wanting someone he could talk sweets with

But how did ya get from there to baking him homemade cookies?

The guy's got a notoriously extreme sweet tooth. It makes more sense for me to make him something especially for his tastes, rather than fruitlessly search for something to buy

Huh, so y'all are real buddy-buddy. Kinda wish I could get in the mix......

What was that?

Uhh, nothing. Anyway, is there anything I can give you a hand with?

That's what Jacqueline's here for. You're supposed to be training. Stop slacking and get a move on if you don't want to get whipped

Yessiree. I'll be heading out then

And with that, we can start. First knead the flour and......

Time passes…

Marion-chama, is this the right amount of sugar?

For Nova's recipe, yes. For Will...... he said the sweeter the taste the happier he is. ...... Let's add a little more

How much is a little?


Good point...... The first time I got pancakes with Will, I couldn't believe how much honey he drowned his in

Considering that, my idea of "a little" definitely won't be enough......

We can measure it by eye. Jacqueline, could you start adding in sugar?

Aye, nano~♪ Lots of sugar for lots of sweetness~

Don't dump it all in at once...... though this is Will we're talking about. This would be barely the beginning for him

Pouring more and more~♪

T-That's the idea. I guess this much still looks okay......

Pouring more and more and mo~~~~~~re, make Will-chama the happiest he's been before ♪

A-Ah. I'm sure your kindness will touch his heart

Teehee, Jacqueline will do her beary best to make Will-chama happy~♪

Time passes…

...... They're done

Wah, they look soo tasty nano~!

T-They sure do

(Well, they do look tasty. But......)

Marion-chama, let's taste test!

Gh, wait!

Eh? Why?

They're...... These are hot out of the oven, see? Let's let them cool down a little bit before we have a taste

Aye, nano~♪ Then Jacqueline will go doodle until the cookies are ready to eat

Good, go on, Jacqueline


(What do I do......!? I got swept along by Jacqueline's sweetness and let her add way too much sugar......)

(No matter how sweet Will likes it, I can't let him eat this in good conscience. I should throw them out......)

(But how would I explain that to Jacqueline? She did her very best to help......)


(All right. I'll rush another batch. I'll figure out what to do with these cookies later)

(Right now I need to focus on making a new batch of cookies before Jacqueline comes back......!)

Time passes…

(Phew...... somehow I managed to remake them. I added a little more sugar than the recipe called for, but this should taste within reason)

Marion-chama~ are the cookies ready to eat?

J-Jacqueline...... They're still a little hot, would you mind waiting a little longer? Maybe until I finish washing up......

Aye, nano~♪ Jacqueline will wait right here

Teeheehee, the cookies look yummy nano~

Huh? There's another plate of cookies over there. Did Marion-chama make these too . . . ?

It must be so, nano! Jacqueline will put all the cookies on the same plate~

Time passes…

Thanks for waiting, Jacqueline

It's about time. We can finally taste test—

I'm back~ Ooh, that smells good

Welcome home, Gast-chama~! Would you like a cookie too?

Wha— you good with that?

...... It's as she said. On the contrary, if you're planning to refuse I'll whip you

W-Whoa. Well, I'll take you up on that kind offer......

Here you go everyone, bon-nano appetit ♪

Sooo yummy~♪

Ah, it's just the right amount of sweetne—


S-Sweet...... My throat's on freakin' fire! Ghh... water......!

Gast runs off

W-What's with hi—

(It can't be......!)

Jacqueline, do you know what happened to the cookies I set aside on the table?

I put them all on the same plate. Marion-chama made them all, right?

Did . . . Jacqueline make a mistake?

Ah, no...... you did nothing wrong. Don't worry, you did a very good job

But, I just remembered something important. Will told me that he likes ice cream better than cookies

Eh, ice cream . . . ?

That's right. I told him you're a fellow ice cream lover, and he wanted to hear what your favorite parlor is

So, why don't we invite Will to come to our usual place with us?

I want to go to the ice cream parlor~! Jacqueline will go get Will-chama!

O-Okay, thanks, Jacqueline

...... Damn, I thought I was gonna die


What the hell was up with those cookies......

It's my bad...... If you tag along, I'll treat you to whatever ice cream you'd like

Eurgh...... I'll pass. Don't think I'll be able to stomach anything sweet for awhile