Just a liiitle bit longer 'til the pancakes are ready, Marion
It's fine, I'm still trying on the costume for the LOM. You've been busy sorting out the problems West has been having with that, no? Is there anything I can do to help?
It's all peachy~♪ There's a good chance I'll get Faith's miracle cure done and dusted in time~
Is that so......
(And yet Victor, who should be working with him on this, is holed up in his lab......)
(That guy said he would put some thought into the LOM and the sector rankings, but he ultimately contributed nothing......)
(It's not like I'm incapable of carrying out all the mentor duties, or that it'd be too much for me to handle alone, but does that guy even remember he's a mentor half the time?)
(Well, research has long since been his top priority—)
Thanks for waiting, Marion ♪
Wowww, is that a card soldier costume? It really suits you~
Thank you
Alice in Wonderland, huh~ That brings back memories. Vic used to read it aloud to you when you were little~
How old were you then? You used to be suuuper into storytime with Vic
Was I really......
Huh~? You don't remember? I'm pretty sure it was around the time when Vic was in the academy......
Yeppers. He was juggling studying at the academy with working in the laboratory......
Think this started around the time he got used to that balancing act
Vic'd come and sit on the couch and you'd hop in his lap without a word
You'd open a book right up and immediately insist he start reading it to you~ Ehe, it was sooo cute ♪
I-I never did that......!
Yes you did~
Vic must've been all tuckered out, but he'd always go along with what you wanted without letting a frown cross his face
I'd read to you whenever Vic was too busy, but you were a right little critic......
"No, Nova, not like that!"
Then you'd make me reread it over n' over 'til I got it right~......
I-It's not that you're bad at it......
The way you read was just—how do I put this...... your version was just...... different from that guy's......
Ahaha, so you do remember, huh?
But it's not like Vic was a natural
You have sharp eyes, sharp ears, and a sharp wit. I figure that Vic learned as he went to keep up with your standards~
I caught him reading books on topics he usually wouldn't bother with, like body language and acting methods
......Wasn't that just for his behavioral psychology research?
Huh~ that's......
Hmmm, I mean I guess......?
In any case, it was always storytime with Vic and Marion and he totes had just as much as fun as you did
...... You can't be serious
Whyyy~ Can't you believe me?
Absolutely not
Maybe we should ask him next time
Don't bother asking. That guy's always......
(......He's always been research-first. Even now he's hardly a mentor)
(Hardly so, but I suppose that recently......)
Oh, sorry Nova. ...... Can I eat the pancakes yet?
Ooooh, the pancakes! Yes, let's dig in~♪

—Just before the LOM
Marion. You ended up shouldering all the responsibility for this LOM. For that, I offer my deepest apologies
...... It wouldn't have made a difference
Don't think I'll take that as an excuse. Practice or not, you better play your part in this properly
You know better than anyone how strict I am with acting
...... Oh, do I now?
Heh, now that conjures memories most nostalgic
Very well then. You and the audience alike shall be fully satisfied by my performance as the mad hatter