Thank you @kitkitwalfu for providing the raws! This story references the events Glorious Chinoiserie and Rock Out Heroes.

(Ugh, I've had enough of this......)
(I doubt I'll be able to get over it just by eating chocolate)
(Those words have come back to haunt me...... It's been a while since I've had a fit but—)
...... Just who ran into me?

Damn, that fuckin' hurt...... Did a bison charge me or what?
Huhh!!!??? Ma...... Marion!?
So it was you......
I-I-I-It can't be...... I take it back...... I didn't say anything about bison, and I wasn't thinking anything about 'em either!!!
......? Sorry about that, were you injured anywhere?
N-N-Not at all! And I'm also sorry for bumping into you......
Don't be, I wasn't paying any attention at all just now
Hey, Marion...... What's up with the outfit?
...... This is a costume the designer made for me. We'll be doing a sightseeing tour of Blue North shortly
A sightseeing tour? You're gonna be showing people around the city!?
Ah, yes. The tourism association requested that our training team—
Whooaaaa!!! I'm real~~~ jealous of all the tourists who'll get you as their guide!
And just what do you mean by that? Tell me, why would you be jealous?
Uh......S-Sorry, Marion. I didn't mean to offend you......
My bad...... I've been particularly frustrated lately. I took some of that out on you, and for that I truly apologize
Frustrated......? Did something happen?
............ It seems that the citizens have heard that we'll be doing sightseeing tours
I ended up seeing something I'd rather not see...... so because of that......
Something you didn't want to see?
...... It's faster to just show you. Look at this
A social media post? ...... "The most beautiful girl seen in the past 4000 years is now a tour guide"
"Well, call me a tourist" "I'd be so nervous, everything she'd say would fly over my head......" "Too bad the tours are meant for women" ......
A little while ago, I was waiting tables at a Chinese restaurant as part of a special mission. People started calling me that weird name then
I let it go, figuring everyone would forget about it eventually...... but now it's happening all over again
...... Hey. What do you think about this costume?
Huh? ...... Costume?
I just received the sample. There's nothing wrong with the fit, and I was satisfied at first with how it turned out......
But after seeing that post...... I'm a bit worried about wearing this in public
The Marion......? Worried?
It's not that I dislike this style. Most of the clothes Nova used to buy me looked something like this
But upon further consideration...... I feel like they're a little too cute for a man like me to be wearing
I also thought that people might get the wrong idea again and I'd have to put up with all the ruckus that'd cause......
Truth be told, I was thinking of going straight to the designer and asking them to make some adjustments
So what adjustments would you make where to make this less cute...... or actually no, what do you think would make it cooler?
Huh...... You wanna hear that from me?
Going in the exact opposite direction will help me avoid giving off a cute impression...... In other words, it's better for it to be cooler
However, I don't really understand what goes into a cool outfit. But looking at you, I got the impression that you might......
Huh? Ah...... d'you mean because of this shirt?
It's...... for a band I've formed with some of the other rookies. We're gonna hold a live concert, so I made these shirts for the band to wear
Gray from East Sector helped me out with the design......
Hm. Well, it's a cool shirt
!! Thank you so much, Marion—
Do you have a moment?
If you do, let's head to that lounge. You can tell me more about it there
Huh...... EEEHHH!!!??

...... Go ahead
I combined what you're wearing now with some elements I think are "cool" and drew a quick pic of it......
...... How's this?
I thought it'd be cool if it were dark, so I made the base of it black, then tore it up all artfully and slapped some studs on
I ended up ripping the sleeves off in the end and tatting up the arms......
If I'm being real though...... I dunno if I'd want to see you in this
S-Sorry! I swear I'm not dissing you or anything like that...... though I guess my heart ended up screamin' out my honest feelings or whatever on its own—
It's about as much as I expected. It's clear this wouldn't look good on me...... If Nova saw me wearing this, he'd have a stroke
I'm at even more of a loss in the end...... I apologize for requesting your assistance and wasting your time
............ Hold on, Marion......
I couldn't find the words to say it earlier...... but I think that outfit looks really good on you
Not gonna lie, some people are gonna think you look cute. But you look hella cool to mel!
Rather than going off and trying to pull off something that isn't your style, I think you're at your coolest rocking what you know you look good in......!
Also, uh...... I gotta come clean, Marion. I already knew about all the clamor about you being "the most beautiful girl in the last 4000 years". I... keep up with you on social media......
I thought to myself at first, "at least they're not dissing Marion"...... so I figured all those compliments were something to be proud of
But all those guys bark about is how you look, not who you are...... it's starting to piss me off......
I'm positive that the true Marion fans are the ones that actually like you for being a hero, for being cool and strong and all that...... least that's how I feel
Sure, all your fans are looking at you...... but there's ultimately a difference in how they're going about it......
So, that's why...... You can't let this get you down, Marion!
A......And like I was saying, your amazing sense of awareness, your quick thinking, all of the strong points that make you so cool of a hero...... they're why I a...... ad...... admire y—
Is that so?
No, that's right. You're right, it's not anything I should care about. I should've though that way to begin with......
I'm going to be myself. That's how I should've come to terms with it
And since I thought this costume was good from the outset......
Alright, I've made up my mind. I'll have them finalize this design. They made the best outfit for me, personally, so I should wear it with confidence
I'm truly sorry that you had to stay by me through all of this
I-It's all good...... This'll really be more of a good memory for me......
I think I understand now what you mean when you say "cool". Hopefully I'll be able to put it to use some other time
You also reminded of something important, and for that, I'm grateful
Thank you, Junior. And with that, I'll be going......
T-T-Th-Thank you! I'm also grateful...... Marion!