This interview was in the October 2021 issue of B’s-LOG. Also yes, that line is transcribed exactly.

Q: Did skipping grades cause you any problems?

Problems? Of course not

Ohhhh...... that's Marion for you! The absolute coolest!

And what about you, Junior?

M-Me too! No problems here!

Hm......? That's not possible. It's only natural for someone as exceptional as me to avoid any issues, but...

!! Y-Yeah, I got something!


Uhh, lemme see...... I'm surrounded by older guys so they're all bigger than me

And I don't wanna lose to them, so I guess I gotta, drink more milk...... or something?

...... That's not even a problem

Q: Have you two gone out for pancakes together?


Pancakes? Me and you? I don't recall ever promising that......

⭗△$♪▲! ※✕¥&%#〇%✕$☆●......

What is it...... Spit it out already

U-Uuu...... I want to... with Marion.... I want to get... pa...... pa......

I want to go out and eat pancakes with you!


Aaargh, now I've gone and said it...... What do I do what do I do...... What if he rejects me, I......

There's no reason for me to turn you down. I like pancakes...... Ask me again once you have a specific date and time down


T-Thank you, Marion! I'll pick a time! I'll definitely ask you again!!!

Q: Since you both play instruments, what kind of music would you jam out to together?

Well, you play the guitar, right?

Y-You remembered that......?

Naturally. I've never forgotten a single detail

So, considering that you play the electric guitar, maybe we could play something jazzy

Eh!? M-M-Ma-Marion, you'd have a jam session with me?

I'm answering the question?

!? A-Ah yeah, of course...... Uuu~ how embarassing......

Well, I don't dislike playing music with others, so I wouldn't mind holding a session with you

R-Really!? Uwah, uwah...... first a promise to get pancakes, and now a promise to play together!

Can the best day of my life get even better!?

...... You're overreacting