This interview was in the November 2021 issue of B’s-LOG

Q: You’re polar opposites, but do you feel like you have any similarities?


Oi. Treat this like an actual interview

Hm? How'm I supposed to drag it out when there's nothing to say

Seriously...... Fine. I'll answer then

We're both stubborn...... I suppose

Huh!? How the hell am I stubborn? Don't lump me in with you

And since when were you willing to admit you're a brick wall

That's how Dino answered it

I couldn't come up with a response either, so I asked him for a second opinion before we started

That, and that he thinks we're both caring


Q: Do you have any embarassing stories about each other?

Ohoho, don't mind if I answer this one


Back when we were at the academy, this guy would not shut up about his lil bro

That's pretty embarassing if y'think back on it now, eh?


He'd get all excited packing up to go visit his folks whenever his sweet baby brother would beg him to come back

And whenever we went shopping he'd keep picking things up and going like "Faith would like this" and loading up on a bunch of random shit

Faith was pretty much always knocking around in your head back then

......That's just how most brothers are

Hold up, where're you even pulling that from? Sure doesn't seem like that to me~ uheheh

Q: Please tell us about each other’s “subconscious habits”!

Uhh, guess the fact he's always staring at people?

That's called being polite. It's not some habit to look at people when you're talking to them

Nah, s'not just that

The guys you're with, the ones passing by, even the ones off in the distance. You're always judging everyone

I do that......?

That's the subconscious for ya

............ If so, it's the same in your case, Keith


It's harder to tell since you only have one visible eye, but you look around whenever you think nobody else is watching

I'm not the only one that observes each and every person that passes by

....... What the hell. Guess that's another thing we've got in common