TL Notes: I originally translated the first half of this event when it originally ran, but I’ve decided to fully retranslate the event for the voiced rerun, considering how much more knowledgeable I’ve become since then and how I’ve become more comfortable with localizing. I hope that this iteration is a smoother and more enjoyable read!

Lalalaa~aa ♪ I'm New Million's #1 source~ Bilibilibilly Wiiiise ~♪
Findin' more info's a matter of course ♪ Today I'll earn my prize ~~~♪
Ah, well there goes everything......
Oopsies, sorry DJ! I was so caught up in scoring my own musical I lost sight of the scene
What the hell are you going on about? Well, if you're all hyped up like usual, you can gimme a hand picking these up, can't you?
What a crazy load of presents! Though I guess that's no surprise since it's you, DJ......
I got ambushed on my way home from patrol. They're trying to get in ahead of Valentine's
Hmm, they're all trying to speedrun things...... It's not exactly like this is first-come first-serve though
I've been getting commissions about this sort of thing here and there~. Wondering what kind of things you like and asking me to look into what I think you're in the mood for currently
There you go blabbing about other people's business...... Well, do whatever you want
Oh, so if you could just tell me what you're into—
Ma~~~n, what a bore! Eh, whatevs~. I'll just have to explore your ins and outs without your say so
Yeah, yeah whatever~. Anyway, are you gonna do anything for Valentine's Day at your place?
Hm? Ahh, you mean for like a Valentine's event, right?
Seems like we're not really doing anything this year
Really now. Well I guess we're not required to do anything for Valentine's like we are for Halloween or Christmas
Yep yep. We could plan our own LOM, but we wouldn't get that many League Points out of it......
So we just decided to just invest in training up for official events over here on the East team
We'll climb up the sector rankings bit by bit by keeping up the hard work! Or at least that's what Jay said
Whatcha doing over at yours?
...... Unlike you guys, we'e got a mentor that's way too into this
That...... doesn't sound at all like Keith-paisen, so it must be Dino-paisen that's all fired up about it
Valentine's Day is a day "to express your feelings to your loved ones", so of course Dino-paisen would get all love and peace about it
So d'you know what you're gonna do?
Nah. At least not officially...... I'm not the type to get involved if it's a pain. Keith isn't either
The little guy's the only one on board, and he doesn't seem to be that into it either for some reason
I guess he's more pragmatic than he looks. He probably thinks there's no point if there aren't any League Points in it for us
Oho, so I see. West has a pretty stable sector ranking so you could afford to do something casual
Ugh, no thanks
This is a special time of year for DJ, so every day must feel like an event already
It's Valentine's Day and your birthday. And you've already got this many presents this far in advance, so?
I guess. I'd rather just turn invisible and chill
Really~ ......Hey DJ, isn't this "Love Mirror Chocolate"?
Love mirror chocolate?
Yep, I totally is. This package...... I definitely recognize it!
I thought they'd recalled all of them...... Someone must've really gone through a lot of trouble to get this
Hey, what is it anyway? This love mirror chocolate......
It's the latest online buzz. They say if you gift it to someone you love, they're guaranteed to reflect that right back at you
Apparently it's helped a bunch of people get their feelings reciprocated. Though they recalled it a bit after the word started spreading and it's now considered a phantom chocolate
Did something go wrong?
That's what the real mystery is~. And what I'm giving my most eager examination!
I'd be willing to sell you the truth at a premium ♡
Aha. Yeah, never mind
You lied to me!? How utterly faithless......
Anyway, DJ, dontcha feel like you'll end up working on your birthday at this rate~?
Ah...... that's a possibility. Nothing's been decided yet
I'd rather I get the actual date off so I can get some peace and quiet......
But won't your teammates wanna celebrate?
Dino-paisen seems like he'd wanna party hard. Maybe throw one of his signature pizza parties...... ehehe ♪
Excuse me if I don't want more pizza for my birthday......
Anyway, I doubt they'll be planning any kind of celebrations. Our team's never done that kind of buddy-buddy thing before
And I'm always complaining about how I don't like doing this kinda stuff. You'd have to be completely clueless to miss that
Additional TL Notes: So the literal translation of the little song Billy sings to himself at the beginning is:
I’m Million’s best informant ~ Bilibilibilly Wiiiise ~♪
Today’s another great day for gathering data ♪ There’s a money tree out there somewhere ~~~♪Which… doesn’t really mean anything in particular, so I took some liberties with it to get across that he’s just kind of making up something silly about making money under his breath as he’s skipping around the tower.