Dino's the one that wanted to do something for Valentine's Day, right? Are you still feeling that?
Uhh— ...... Yep, I'm still down!
Valentine's Day is a day "to express your feelings to your loved ones", right? So it's our responsibilities as heroes to help spread—
Love and peace, no?
Wow, you think so too, Faith? I'm over the moon ♪
Nope, just had a feeling that's what you were gonna say......
Hey...... Hey, Keith. Where the fuck're we gonna find the time to do shit for Valentine's when we've already got a birthday party to plan for?
Hell if I know. Would rather just throw the party. Seems like it'd take a lot less energy......
Is that all you fuckin' cared about!?
Truth is...... I already thought up something we could do. Could y'all hear me out?
Seriously? You really went all out......
I wouldn't go that far! I've just got a suggestion. And if you guys are interested then maybe...... we could do it?
...... And what are you proposing?
Um...... there's this chocolatier up in Blue North I think we could collab with
Someone I know in the PR department brought it up to me. I think the store was called something like "Enciel"......
Oh, Arc-en-ciel. I buy their hot cocoa all the time
Yeah, that's it! Guess we can settle this pretty quickly then?
The store's planning a large-scale promotion for Valentine's Day......
They're making some limited-edition Valentine's goods, broadcasting a commercial, and setting up a pop-up shop at a department store
While they're based in Blue North, they're trying to attract a lot of the younger crowd, so the promo's centered around Yellow West
A collab...... so we'd be like, advertising chocolate?
Naturally, they want us to help out with sales and promotion. But apparently the core of it is an LOM tie-in
Every purchase'll come with a special LOM invite for the gifter and giftee...... so basically happy couples'll be able to ask each other out to LOM!
So? Isn't this the most~ love and peace proposal ever!?
Wow, that went south real quick......
Eh, why!?
An invite for happy couples to what— watch us pretend to beat the crap out of each other? Who the hell'd be "happy" with that
That'd just depend on how we execute it! If we put on something love and peace enough, people are sure to be happy with that!
Can't even begin to picture anything like that...... Dunno about the rest of you, but this is too much for me
Well, Keith and Valentine's don't go together to begin with. I can't even imagine that
I heard there were a couple other teams interested in doing this, but I was thinking that if we were all—
West's sector ranking is pretty stable, we could afford to sit some things out
If others wanna do it, why not just let them?
I suppose you have a point...... I was just thinking that this would be a good chance for all of us to work together on something
I thought it'd be fun, but I guess I got ahead of myself...... Hehe, sorry guys ♪
I'll get back to my guy in PR. I told them I'd talk it over with everyone first, so they've been waiting on me
Hold up
Ugh, read the room
...... Room?
Have some self-awareness...... Anyway
Aren't you getting ahead of yourself now, nixing this because of my opinion? Aren't I just a rookie?
So, Keith. I leave the final decision in your capable hands
A major hero like you could resolve this in a snap
Like me, huh...... Real cheeky of you to pull this out now
Agh...... Well if you think it seems fun, you can do whatever ya want
But don't expect too much outta me. I'm no~~~t gonna put in any effort. None
Except when it comes to LOM
You can slack off when we're selling chocolate, but the LOM is unique to heroes. I'm not gonna let you off easy then
Yayyy! Thanks...... thank you everyone, from the bottom of my heart!
Uwah, this is gonna be so much fun...... I'll let 'em know right away
Ooooh, you can't worm your way out of this one
TL Notes: According to a sign in one of the backgrounds, the chocolatier is named Arc-en-ciel, French for rainbow, but it’s shortened to just “En-ciel” in the story.