Right, let's move on to recording your lines. Why don't we start with the script
... "Is this chocolate for me?"
"Thanks. You know, if you do something special for me like this, I might get the wrong idea... 'kay?"
...... Okay!!!
Ah...... Sorry, sorry. Just meant that take was okay~
Ahaha, looks like they're having fun
Damn, he's good......
!! T-The script, it's good, right??? D'you think I could work those lines into the song I'm working on right now~?
You writing a love song, little guy?
Sounds fun. Lemme give it a listen
Fuuuckk!!!! Absolutely not! I am not writing a love song!
Anyway, are you done too? Guess it's my turn......
Nah, just taking a break. Apparently they want to record another scenario...... and had to go run off to write a script for it
For real......?
How're you so used to this already? It's not like your rotating cast of girlfriends would prep you for pulling off photoshoots
Aha, yeah, it's not that. I guess I'm not nervous since I've done a few magazine interviews about DJing before
I haven't shot a commercial before, but I'm pretty used to getting pics taken
Hm...... I'm craving something sweet. Think I'll eat some chocolate
I've been getting some every day lately..... I don't have a choice but to keep eating it. You want any?
I-I don't want your sloppy seconds!
? Overreaction, much?
Ugh~~~ I'm beat...... Used up all my energy for the rest of my life~
Aha, welcome back, Keith
They kept telling me to wink...... you can guess how well that went......
Huh? How'd they expect you to wink?
Gave up and blinked and that got OK'd
That was good enough? Anyway..... Dino's doing his shoot now, right?
Ahh, yeah. I swapped out with him
Dino seems like he'd be good at this too. Like he'd been born for it or something
He is the love and peace alien. If me blinking was good enough, all he's gotta do is say "love and peace" and they'll call it a wrap
Nah, I seriously don't think that should've been good enough—
Hey, wait...... You doing alright there, Dino?
Let's take a quick break. Someone will bring you a warm drink to help calm your nerves
T-Thank you...... I'm sorry for all the trouble......
What's up, Dino? It's not like you to get nervous
That's not really what the problem is......