
......What's up, little guy?

Huh? Nothing, why......?

You've fixed an unblinking stare on me...... It's obvious why though

Dr. Nova was able to whip up that mask real quick

How's it work? Does it keep you from saying certain things when you're wearing it......?

Yeah. So in my case, ...... and ...... and ...... and the like get muted

Aha, how's that for a demo?

Sounds like you keep getting bleeped out

You were saying "I like you" and "I love you", right? Wow, Dr. Nova's good

Dunno how it works so don't ask

But with this it's possible for you to talk like usual, huh

That's right. Though I'd still rather get back to normal already......

They're expecting that to be before Valentine's, right?

Beats me. They didn't want to guarantee anything

What if you're still stuck like this? Heard they're just gonna use the existing takes for the commercial but......

We've still gotta man a booth and there's the LOM on top of that. So what then?

Ah...... Well that shouldn't be a problem. I'll just sit out


If anything, isn't this more of a good thing......?

Oi, you can't just skip everything you don't wanna bother with

Aha. Got it ♪ Though if I don't get better, I'll be cheering you on, little g—

Don't say that!


Ah... it's just that. We're a team, right? We can't forget that teamwork is a part of your rookie training......

Whether it's the LOM or selling chocolate, it's better if all four of us are at it rather than only three


Heeyy, rookies. Food's ready~

Ohh, did you make hamburg steak like I asked!?

Hell nah...... I'm making my own damn dinner, why the hell do I have to cook what you want

Then what is it, pasta again?

If you're too good for it you don't have to eat~

Agh, wait a sec! I'm eating, I'll eat it!

Hey, Faith. Here's your plate

Ah, yeah...... Thanks, Keith
