Chooocolate~ Get your chocolate here~~~
The hell are you doing, Keith!?!?
It's like you're not even trying to sell this shit...... at least try to act like you want to be here!
Keep it down will ya......
It's fine for me to go at this however I want, ain't it~? It's not like they gave us a manual walking us through step-by-step
Suppose it's true that today's supposed to be about "Heroes" selling chocolate, so they told us to do what we will......
But who'd ever buy anything from a slacker like you!
Just take a look around! Everyone's walking right past you......
I tooold ya to keep it down~
This is my best! Gimme a break, it's not gonna sell no matter how I go about it!

Two chocolates...... no, make that three for me!
Hey, don't cut in line! Wasn't I ahead of you!?
I'm buying 10! And giving them all back to you!!!
You sneak! Where do you get off, trying to slip ahead like that! Everything I bought earlier was going to be for him......!
A......haha, thanks. Not all at once, girls, settle down a little for me, won't you?

And so it begins......
Can't say I'm shocked. Any time that shitty DJ turns up it's bound to turn out like this
But their voices...... Damn near thought we were in a zombie flick
Ooh, they're starting to ramp up the competition. 10, 15...... Wow, 30 of them!
You see that? Doesn't matter if I work hard when we'll sell out with Faith here
That's not a good enough reason to cut corners. Like......
Don't these chocolates come with invites to the LOM?
These actually need to get out and circulate around, else shitty DJ's gonna be drowning in all those tickets......
Wooww, you're real clever for sussing that out. Good boy, good boy......
ARGH——!!! You should've figured that out too! Stop treating me like a fuckin' kid!

"Is this chocolate for me?"
"Thanks. You know, if you do something special for me like this, I might get the wrong idea... 'kay?"
This commercial is soooo good! I totally fell for you after I saw it!
Huh, I see. Thanks for your support—
What? You fake fan bandwagoners should step off! I've been his fan for way longer than you!
H-Hey, hold on......
Well I've been following him since he started DJing!
I don't care about those petty squabbles. Faith, please let me be your girlfriend!
Heeyy, Faith
It's break time. We can leave this to the staff and move elsewhere