(We've had our hands full with Valentine's Day affairs, but we've gotta prep for shitty DJ's birthday bash)
(Dino got all the decorations and party supplies and such online but......)
(I can't just leave it all up to him. I have my own part to play)
(But seriously...... is Dino really going to go with that surprise?)
(A life-sized chocolate...... I've never seen one before. Maybe this'll be fun. Ehehe ♪)
Hey, little guy. Shower's free—
Hold on! Don't come in yet! Get out!
Wait, what......?

Jeez...... Give a guy some warning before you tackle him
I-It's not my fault you barged in here all of a sudden
Eh, was that so wrong of me?
...... Did you see anything?
No...... Was there something specific?
Gh, none of your business. Forget everything!
Aha, someone's defensive
But sure, I'll forget it. I haven't seen a thing......♪
? You're in a good mood, what's up?
Am I? I don't think I'm acting any different than my usual......
Ah, but I did get a call from the research department earlier
The research department?
Seems like I'll be able to ditch this mask soon
!! For real......!
Apparently the Substance that caused this has some sort of opposite......
They figured they can counteract the effects with that opposing Substance
They're up to the final experiments now, so they were letting me know I don't have long left to wait
Most likely it'll be good to go by Valentine's Day......
Whoa, it'll be good by then!? Hell yeah ★
...... What're you so happy for? Seems a bit out of character for you
Really? Seems normal to be happy to hear that
It's like Dino said, it's better if we can do things as a full team
Well. It's not like my excitement hinged on you or anything. I was looking forward to things regardless, so I would've had fun without you there......
But like, it wouldn't be the same, you feel?
It's not just 'cause Dino was going on about all of that......
No, maybe he has influenced me a little? Love and peace and all that?
Pft...... You morphing into a love and peace alien too, little guy?
Not a chance! What's there to laugh at. Are you making fun of me again!?
Nope. Well except for that last line