— 1 hour later

Should be all finished up now, I'mm sooo sorryyyyyyy!
Thanks for your hard work, Dr. Nova. Things were really touch-and-go for awhile there......
Is everyone in the stadium back to normal?
Mhm...... Vic explained it all thoroughly, so hopefully they all get what happened......
Nearly freaked out when everyone started screaming about how much they hate each other all of a sudden......
It had to do with the chocolate they're giving out here, right?
You got it. Seems like it was contaminated with Substance during manufacturing like that love mirror chocolate that Faith ate
I mentioned this to Faith earlier, but love mirror chocolate had its own mirrored Substance......
And it's this one...... a Substance that makes you "hate" instead of "love"
Damn...... "Love" is a lot less freaky to hear
I'd thought the research department had safely recalled both of them......
But I guess that Arc-en-ciel had already processed all of these~
Well, it all turned out alright in the end, yeah? Your timing sure was serendipitous......
True. It was a stroke of luck that the cure we prepared for Faith worked for these folks too~
Speaking of, thanks for waiting all this time...... Here you go, Faith. Just one pill and all your troubles will be dispelled~
You gonna take it or what, shitty DJ?

I don't think I need it anymore
!! You didn't say you love us! When did you get back to normal?
Just a sec ago
I see~ It was about time for it to wear off on its own...... Or maybe something else triggered it?
A different trigger?
Hey, doctor. You got a pill to spare?
Keith! How's Dino? Is he okay?
He's backstage
...... Curled up in the fetal position
Sure, we know this is just 'cause of some Substance, but he's flat out refusing to make a peep
Seems like he's taking it real hard
...... Dino would never actually tell anyone he hated them
Even though we told him we knew what was up......
I brushed on this before, but he's still going through what he went through with Eclipse
The previous deal must've dredged a lot of that back up. Figure he's been carrying a lot of complicated feelings around with him
I see...... Dino said something about that when he was joining back up
That he's determined to live honestly for the rest of his days. That he'll never, ever let himself be manipulated by anyone ever again, that he'll never again let himself hurt his friends
He's going at this LOM the same way he was going at the Arc-en-ciel collab
He was real insistent that we had to do things with everyone, bit too much so honestly......
He says it's 'cause we're a team. Or that it's more fun that way or whatever...... But I got the feeling that he wants to overwrite all of those memories more than anything
So it went that deep......
I can't imagine how he feels, I haven't even thought about it...... but Dino was stuck in Eclipse for a real long time
The time he's been back at HELIOS is near nothing compared to that......
So, doctor. You got anymore of those meds?
Ah, yeah, they should be right here......
Hey, would the one you gave me work?
It's not like I need this pill anymore. Might as well give it to Dino
Ah, then I can come with you and we can—
You stay here with me. Take care of him will ya, Faith
...... Be right back