So I was feeling this kind of general outline for the schedule
Let me see...... We can move forward with this
Is something wrong with it?
No, I was just thinking you're good at this, Faith. Did you learn how to do this sort of work from Keith or Dino?
Dino aside, there's no chance in hell Keith'd be able to teach me anything like this
So it's more like you're self taught. Makes sense that you'd get familiar with things through the planning you do for your DJ gigs and other work
Oh, speaking of, you were working on promoting that wedding venue recently, right? I heard that went really well
You're amazing, Faith. It's incredible how you can apply your skills so well to your hero work
Nah, you're way better at this, Will. ...... I'm just figuring this out as I go along
Anyway, back to planning. We're splitting the work for the most part, but I'll be taking on all the music prep
I've got the audio equipment and setlist handled. And if I really need to, I can play at the actual event. This is a student event though, so it should be fine to leave that to them
That's true, the students ought to be the star of this show
Since you've taken charge of the music, what should I handle? Maybe setting up the venue?
It'd be more efficient if both of us worked on that. We'd need some students to help with it anyway
Ah, what about the catering? That's important too
We'd end up with a sugar overload if you handled that
No we wouldn't. ......Maybe just a little bit
Keep telling yourself that. So we'll both work on catering
I still think it'd play the most to your strengths if you took care of the floral decorations...... or maybe if you prepared boutonnieres and corsages?
We 100% need the decorative flowers in any case, but I'll leave the other two to your discretion, Will, including whether or not you think we should provide any
...... Okay. I'll see what I can do about them
'Kay, moving on to the most important part. What theme should we go with—
I'm home~
Ah, welcome home, Akira
Thanks for having me over
Wha— Faith? The hell are you doing in my room!?
Didn't I tell you this morning? I said I wanted to use our room for a prom planning meeting
Huh? You did?
Ohhh, that! That job the academy asked for ya to work on! Why you and Faith of all people, though?
We did it back at the academy too. Seems like the teachers remembered that and wanted us to do it again
Oooh~, so it's like that, huh
Come to think of it, y'all were roommates, right? Could've fooled me since I never saw you both in the same room
That's because Faith wasn't home most of the time
Hey, Will. Quick question. Why didn't you get Akira to help you back then?
Oh, that's because Akira was training and studying real diligently, and I thought it wouldn't do for me to interrupt that
Oh~? But it was just fine for you to force me to do your bidding?
F-Force you...... That was never my intention......
What're you talking about?
Will conspired with the teachers to entrap me
Well of course it sounds awful if you put it like that! There was a lot more than that going on......
What even? What the hell did you even do to the guy, Will?
I'd love to hear that too. Tell me, Will, what did you do to me?
I didn't do anything......!
I'll be the judge of that. Go on, tell us ♪
If you insist...... It's kind of a long story though.......
Akira, do you remember those rumors about the "Question Locker"?