A question... locker......? The hell is that?
There was a locker you could slip a copy of your class notes into along with a consultation request. You'd receive a call a few days later with the information you asked for
Ohh, I think I remember hearing about something like that!
It was a frequent topic of discussion in the student council, so I figured I could try it out and investigate it myself. I needed someone to help me out with prom so......
I put a request to "please introduce me to someone familiar with music" along with some class notes in the locker then—

(Huh, no caller ID. It might be that so......)
...... Hello?
"Hiii~ Thank you sooo much for using the question locker! May I presume that I'm speaking to Mr. Wilson~?"
M-Mister Wilson? No, this is Will Sprout
"I know that~! But it's no fun to call you that ♪"
Excuse me but, who are you......?
"I'm super duper sorry, but I'm afraid I won't be able to answer that ☆ My identity is strictly confidential ♪"
(This is kind of suspicious...... Will it be okay for me to keep talking?)
"Let's get right down to business. To confirm, you wanted to consult with me about "someone familiar with music"—?"
"It's OK for me to assume you meant "someone who can liven up prom with music" by that, yeah?"
Huh......? That's right, but I didn't write my request in that much detail......
"HAHAHA~! A little birdie already told me that the prez was taking over the prom committee, Mr. Wilson"
(....... Could he really have gotten that info that fast?)
"Now to answer your question: May I present to you the gentleman behind door number one, the talk of the academy— Leonard Wright, Jr!"
"A supernova performance star with an endless rock repertoire deftly wielding an electric guitar! He's the spark guaranteed to get prom lit!"
Leonard Wright...... I think I've heard something about him. His kid is in the middle school division, right?
"YES! He's the academy's very own little celebrity~"
Well...... it's a little weird to ask a middle schooler to help with prom though
"Hmmmm...... Alrighty then, there's one other person I think I could introduce you to"
"But wait, there's more~! Who's that behind door number two? You know him well, Mr. Wilson— it's Faith Beams!!"
"A DJ turning his popularity up past 11! A man beloved by girls and hardcore clubbers alike, he's DJ Beams!"
"The academy's chock full of his fans, so with DJ Beams at prom you're guaranteed to pack the house!"
"...... Well, he brings his own posse of problems with him"
Wow~ so he's that good. Faith DJing, huh
The thing is, he's already rejected me once. I feel like if I ask him again it'll be more of the same
"Ta-da! We've got some biiig news for you here at the question locker!"
"This just in: DJ Beams is about to find himself stuck in a bind with Teach~"
A bind?
"DJ Beams has been going through a rebellious phase...... he's caught the eye of the teachers and he's bound straight for the danger zone!"
"But wait! Mr. Wilson swoops into mediate. Why resort to punitive measures when he could make up for his misdeeds by helping out with prom?"
"And so an ideal compromise presents itself, at least in my humble little opinion......"
"Teach gets to feel like discipline's been doled, DJ Beams gets out of that bind, and Mr. Wilson gets what he wants in the end! It's a win-win for everyone!"
A win-win...... so you say but...... What makes you so sure that he'll be in trouble with the teachers to begin with?
"There's a bar where the teachers like to hang. You can hear sooo many interesting things once the booze starts flowing ~♪"
"Oopsie, this was going so well I went and served you a liiitle bit too much!"
"Take care of my bestie, Mr. Wilson. Thank you for patronage, we look forward to serving you again ☆"
Ah, wait—
...... He hung up
(Well that was incredibly suspect...... Is Faith really in trouble with the teachers?)
(And I'm not so sure that prom duty is an acceptable compromise......)
(But a one in a million chance is still a chance. Should I head to the staff room just in case?)