Ah—sorry. Could you run that by me one more time?
I'll explain this to you as many times as I need to, Beams. You have to go to summer school
Isn't that supposed to be for people that're failing their classes? I don't think I had any problems with the final exams
Well, yes, your exam scores were good. Your physical test results in particular were exemplary
But your serial truancy and late-night activities are unacceptable. That's why it's been decided that you need to attend summer school
That's ridiculous. It's not like I'm skipping every class. And those "late-night activities" are just DJ gigs. Is that kind of clubgoing really so different from being in an after-school club?
The DJing itself is fine. It's the fact that you keep wandering around downtown in the middle of the night. We can't allow you to keep breaking curfew and having unauthorized overnight stays
Aha, aren't you contradicting yourself? Sure, I can DJ, but don't I dare set foot in a club
That attitude you take with the teachers is another one of your problems
So what say you—do you want to make an honest attempt to clean up your act this summer, or do you want to repeat a year?
You're not giving me much of a choice there......
Sir, please wait a moment!
I can't help but feel bad for Faith, this whole situation feels unreasonable......
What are you saying, Sprout? This was settled during a staff meeting. We can't overturn it now
But the academy's summer school is there to allow underachieving students to make up credits, right?
I don't think it makes sense to make Faith, who has always excelled academically and athletically, go through such a program
We're aware of that. However, it's important that Beams betters his ways and develops a more wholesome attitude. Having him go through an extracurricular like summer school could accomplish that
So summer school's not necessarily the only way for him to work through this?
...... And just what do you mean by that?
So I have a proposal......
What if Faith were to help with organizing prom?
He could work on the sound system at the venue and select what kind of music we should play and help with so much more
Stop. Wait a sec. Why are you saying this like it's a given—
Ohhh, that's a great idea! Prom prep would definitely qualify as an extracurricular
Ultimately, it's up to Beams whether or not he wants to work on prom or go to summer school
...... Ugh, some kind of choice that is
Fine, I get it. I'll help you with prom
Very well, I'll let the rest of the staff know
Sorry, I kind of charged ahead of you there. I figured it would be preferable to losing your whole summer break
...... Yeah, it is. Appreciate it
It's not like I want to force you into anything. I'd just like a little bit of advice from you, and I'll tell the teachers what a great help you were
So what do you say this time? I'd like to have you on my side......
I just said I would do it. ...... But only the music stuff
I'll set up the sound system and a setlist. And if I need to I'll get someone to run the PA. But don't expect anything out of me the day of, 'kay?
Oh....... Oh, of course! That'd be such a help! Thank you, Faith
Ugh...... Why do I feel like I've been duped

Huh, so that's how it went down
I had the feeling I was totally set-up. Figures that Billy was the one pulling the strings in the background
What, Billy? What does that guy have to do with anything?