What, you didn't realize? We were literally just talking about him
...... I kind of got that feeling during the entrance ceremony. So the one behind the question locker was—
Billy, yeah
Huh, for real!? That guy was seriously doin' all of that!?
Back then, Billy was still going around calling himself an odd jobs guy
His main deal at the academy seemed like it was buying and selling class notes and old test answers
But the question locker was really just one of his ways to collect dirt on people
So that's how it is..... I thought I hadn't really interacted with him before, but I guess I had actually been talking to Billy all along
I mean like, it makes sense that you wouldn't've realized? If the teachers knew what Billy was up to, they'd never let him get away with it. Thus, the anonymity
That tracks. Seems like the kinda thing that guy would do

W-What's the matter, Billy? Do you have a cold.....?
Nuh-uh~ it's my informant's intuition! Somebody must be talking about lil ol' Billy!
To think you have that kind of incredible ability......
YES! A good informant needs good instincts if they wanna be able to sniff out the real juicy details~
The hell is all of this, you old geezer! Did you set off a bomb in the kitchen!?
S-Sorry! I was trying to make curry and I dropped the spices everywhere, I'm cleaning it up as fast as I can
Um, Billy..... So when you sneezed just now......
My informant's intuition is telling me something! The trigger for my latest sneeze...... was Jay!

Man, talkin' about the academy is really taking me back
Though most of my memories are just of me gettin' chewed out by the teachers and being forced to study
Same here. I can't even remember how many times I had to go beg the teachers for forgiveness after you did yet another thing
That too! Who knows how many times I saw you apologizin' like "I express my deepest regrets on Akira's behalf." Ahaha!
Akira...... Have you ever truly repented?
It's a joke, man, I'm just kidding. I'm totally remorseful!
Aha, you really act like he's your kid
But it's not like I never take care of him?
Whenever he's feeling down, I always go out and get him some of his fave Japanese sweets
Ehe, and I'm grateful for that. They just taste better when Akira buys them for me than when I buy them myself ♪
Huh, never would've guessed that Akira'd act like that
Will's always piling on more responsibilities and insisting on carrying 'em himself
Which reminds me, back after the last prom, weren't ya stuck in some depression spiral?
Uh...... Well, I wouldn't put it like that......
You totally were! I had to fight off my hot dog withdrawals and sprint to grab you some dango from Akabeko-dou
Never asked though, what got you that down?
T-That was... It's......
Hey, Akira, is that your phone that's been buzzing this whole time?
Huh? Oh, yeah
Oh shit!? I totally forgot! I promised Oscar I would spar with him earlier!
Get going. I don't think he'll be mad at you, but Oscar's the type to just wait there for eternity if you never get back to him
I know! I gotta run!
See ya, Faith. I'm letting you hang out in my room, so ya better not make a mess
Yeah, yeah, whatever. I get it. Just go already
Ah... haha...... Like Akira's not always making a mess out of his side of the room. Sorry about that, Faith
No worries. It's not like I'm one to talk
You did tend to leave the room cluttered
Aha, it's the only way you'd know I even lived there
Heh, yeah ♪
Anyway, we oughta leave the past in the past and focus on this prom
You wouldn't want Akira to have to go and get you more dango, yeah?
...... Yeah, let's do this
TL Notes: Akabeko-dou makes Will’s favorite dango. It was first named in the HAPPY NEW YEAR SHOW! event story.